Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: INFORMATION Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition which is characterised by irritation or entrapment of the median nerve. This nerve can get entrapped at various sites along its course down the upper limb and each site is specific with regards to the clinical presentation, i.e. pronator teres syndrome, anterior interosseous nerve entrapment… Read more »

Golfer’s Elbow/Medial Epichondylitis

GOLFER’S ELBOW/ MEDIAL EPICHONDYLITIS The medical name for golfer’s elbow is medial epichondylitis, as this condition occurs where the tendons of the forearm insert onto the medial epichondyle of the elbow joint. The medial epichondyle is the site at which the muscles which bend the wrist and fingers originate. The muscles which perform this function,… Read more »

Repetitive Strain Injury

INFORMATION ON REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURIES In the absence of trauma, another major cause of wrist injury is overuse. This is particularly apparent in the computer operator population, whereby overuse is common and arises from positions that strain the finger tendons and wrist flexor and extensor muscles repetitively. The diagnosis of repetitive strain injury (RSI) is… Read more »

De Quervain’s Syndrome

DE QUERVAIN’S SYNDROME: INFORMATION De Quervain’s syndrome is a condition which is characterised by pain along the course of two thumb tendons, namely the extensor pollicis longus and the abductor pollicis brevis. These muscles are responsible for extending and abducting the thumb and both are housed within synovial sheaths. The tendons are able to glide… Read more »


GANGLION CYST: INFORMATION A ganglion cyst is a harmless swelling that contains a thick jelly-like material which is thought to arise from either the capsule or tendon sheaths. They are often found  around the wrist and on the fingers and can be felt as a smooth lump under the skin. The cause of ganglions remains unclear. The main… Read more »

Wrist Fractures

WRIST FRACTURES (SCAPHOID FRACTURE, DISTAL RADIUS FRACTURE, ETC.) The wrist is the flexible link between the forearm and fingers. It is a complex joint composed of two rows of carpal bones which articulate with the lower end of the ulnar and radius of the forearm. Tendons travel down from the elbow and forearm and cross over the… Read more »

Wrist Sprain

WRIST SPRAINS The wrist is the flexible link between the forearm and fingers. It is a complex joint composed of two rows of carpal bones which articulate with the lower end of the ulnar and radius of the forearm.   Tendons travel down from the elbow and forearm and cross over the wrist to insert… Read more »

Skier’s Thumb/UCL Sprain

GAMEKEEPER’S/SKIER’S THUMB Gamekeepers or skiers thumb describes a sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb, which is located between the first metacarpophalangeal joint close to the web of the thumb. This injury can occur either as a single event or due to a repetitive overload (chronic) injury, whereby the ligament becomes stretched and… Read more »

Anterior Interosseous Nerve Entrapment

ANTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE ENTRAPMENT The anterior interosseous nerve is a condition caused by the compression or irritation of the median nerve. This nerve can be entrapped at various sites along its course down the upper limb and each site is specific with regards to the clinical presentation, i.e. pronator teres syndrome, anterior interosseous nerve entrapment… Read more »

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

CUBITAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Nerves can not only be irritated as they exit the spine, but also at distant sites away from the spine. These are known as peripheral entrapments. The ulnar nerve arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus, a branch of nerve fibres which stem from the neck. This nerve supplies the… Read more »

Wrist/Finger Extensor Strain

WRIST/FINGER EXTENSOR STRAIN OR RSI Overuse injuries of the wrist and forearm not only subject the tendons of the forearm to overload, but can also result in repetitive strain to the muscles which are responsible for extending the wrist and fingers. This type of injury is often grouped together with other diagnoses, such as carpal tunnel… Read more »

Tennis Elbow/Lateral Epicondylitis

TENNIS ELBOW/LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS The medical name for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis, as this condition occurs where the tendons of the forearm insert onto the lateral epicondyle of the elbow joint.   The lateral epicondyle is the site at which the muscles which bend the wrist and fingers backwards originate. There are many muscles which… Read more »

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)

THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME (TOS) Thoracic outlet syndrome is a group of conditions characterised by compression or irritation of the brachial plexus and blood vessels (subclavian artery and vein) as they travel from the neck into the upper limb. The passage of this neurovascular bundle can be compromised by any soft tissue or bony enlargement which… Read more »